Dec 2019

Celebrating Medical Staff achievements: looking back, looking forward


The December 9 MSA meeting and holiday social was an opportunity for medical staff to celebrate, reflect on our accomplishments and to hear about plans for 2020.

CST was top of mind, and many people positively reflected on the outstanding teamwork shown by PHC medical staff. Looking forward, consultant physicians introduced their teams for Providence’s strategic plan, and spoke about the exciting possibilities ahead.

Stepping up to the CST plate: I want to thank everybody for diving into this new adventure that we’re all on. I know it hasn’t been easy. But people have really stepped up to the plate to help each other. I don’t think we could have done it as well as we did it without all the help of everyone supporting each other, and supporting the staff.  – Dr. Tracy Scott, MSA President

Rolling up our sleeves to tackle CST: Watching my fellow Providence Health physicians embrace the change; going to electric health record, I saw people resolute, working hard, maybe struggling a little bit, but pulling all the oars together. I just really see what it’s like when physicians at Providence roll up their sleeves when faced with a task. It reminds me that we probably can do anything. – Dr. Eric Grafstein, Chief Medical Information Officer, VCH/PHC (CST)

CST and the Providence Spirit: There are now several hundred people, many of whom with Southern United States accents, who are now going home talking about a place called Providence; hospital called Mt. St. Joseph or Holy Family or St. Paul’s. They said to me, they’ve never seen anything like it in terms of the culture, the organization, the spirit, and how we did it together.  One of them said, “Now I know what health care should be like.” Everyone here should feel really proud of how we have worked together and how we did that. – Fiona Dalton, President & CEO, Providence Health Care

Reflecting on the PHC strategic plan and how far we’ve come to engage medical staff: We decided to work together and look at how we could improve things. One of them was to get more physicians engaged. This dove-tailed perfectly into the strategic vision and the strategic plan that was going on at the time, and the opportunity to build this structure with physicians – not as leads, but as partners.  We sowed the seeds and it’s now growing. The thing that I love is that where we are now compared to where we were; and where I see us going is unbelievable. We’re on the right track and I think we’re going to be the envy of most hospitals.   Dr. Neil Wells, past MSA President

Looking forward:  It’s very, very exciting for us to be a part of this, and it’s given both of us an incredible opportunity now to walk into any room and talk to anybody about what they think about the workplace and they envision about the future.  – Dr. Victor Tsang, Physician co-lead MSJ Clinical and Master Plan