Medical staff priorities

Medical staff feedback sets priorities for engagement


Through fall 2022 and spring 2023, the PHC Physicians and Surgeons Society consulted physicians on priorities for Facility Engagement funding to sustain and continue our progress to build an engaged medical staff culture at Providence. Your feedback was used to inform a framework of strategic priorities and a new strategic action plan and budget, currently in development.

How were physicians consulted? See the PHC-PASS Year in Review here>

Watch Dr. Julia Raudzus & Dr Lik Hang Lee’s presentation on engagement priorities from the June 2023 MSA meeting.

Support medical staff wellness plan & foster wellness across all activities.

Leverage PHC Senior Medical Director role to achieve medical staff wellness goals.

Partner with existing wellness initiatives for shared learning, resources, support, & maximum impact.

Integrate PHES principles across all activities.

Leverage regional & provincial resources & partnerships to enable local work and to achieve greater impact for PHES work.

Secure funding & structure for physician participation in EST meetings.

Host or amplify PHES education  activities.


Physician Leadership

Host small-scale, site specific in person/hybrid events to increase collegiality across dept/divisions, sites, and in community (FPs).

Develop & implement a refreshed med staff orientation program to improve engagement of early career & new medical staff.

Facilitate governance education series.

Build physician leadership capacity through PASS-MSA structures.

Enhance succession planning.

Host focus groups to understand  perceptions of, and  to improve transparency.

Facilitate process to assess and support front-line physician-led engagement projects, aligned with Pillars, to improve patient care and the  workplace environment.

Support med staff to navigate tools, resources, and funding sources for innovative ideas.

Promote opportunities for med staff to engage in other improvement projects.


What’s next?

As of June 2023, a strategic plan for engagement with budget is in development. Watch for exciting activities coming in the fall, including a Planetary Health event, new small group activities for medical staff to connect, and more!