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March 24, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

PHC Ethics Journal Club: “Disablism” and Pandemic Critical Care Resource Triage”

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PHC Ethics Journal Club is an opportunity for members of the PHC and Providence Living community to discuss ethical issues and principles as introduced by an academic article. All are welcome to participate in any or all sessions. The reading should be done in advance of the session.

This session of Ethics Journal Club will be led by PHC Physician Ethicist, Jocelyn Chase, on the topic of allocation of scarce healthcare resources, like ventilators, during a pandemic, and how such decisions can impact groups of individuals, including people with disabilities.  Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone at PHC (physicians, nurses, allied health, support staff) who you think might be interested.

If you would like to join this session:

Meeting ID: 215 467 6530

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+1 778 907 2071 Canada

Meeting ID: 215 467 6530

Find your local number: https://ca01web.zoom.us/u/gNM9Xx4Di



If you have any questions, please call Carrie Smith at 604.836.3024 or email at cjsmith@providencehealth.bc.ca.